Typical Freshman Course Options
Required Courses (6 total)
New Testament or Old Testament**
Intro to Biology, Biology or Honors Biology
English Language Arts (ELA) or Honors ELA*
U.S. History or World History**
Physical Education/Health
Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, or Advanced Algebra 2*
Electives (2 total)
Spanish 1 or Spanish 2*
Art Fundamentals
Concert Band or Symphonic Band (by auction)
Concert Choir or Una Voce (by audition)
Technology in Today's World
General Business
Study Hall
Resource Study Hall (for students with specific learning needs, past IEP's)
*Placement test scores and past academics grades will be considered
** Taken alternating years

Department Breakdown
Science Department
STEM (science, technology, engineering, and medicine) is the fastest growing industry in the world. The goal of the science department is to:
provide relevant information about the ever-changing science industries.
prepare students to pursue their specific STEM interest.
help students develop an inquisitive mind.
develop scientific literacy so students can function in a scientific society as an educated voter, consumer, and so on.
guide students to a better understanding of the physical rules in which God governs his creation.
Our science teachers bring energy into the classroom. Classes consist of hands-on activities, labs, and student-led research. Each student will have the chance to ask, “What do I believe?” when it comes to the question of how science fits into God’s plans. With several specialized classes, students can choose the track that matches their interests.