Admissions Process
Incoming Freshman (Fall 2025), applications for the 2025-2026 school year are now OPEN! Join the LW Class of 2029 today!
The admission process is established to determine whether enrollment at Living Word is a good fit for the student and for the school. Living Word accepts and reviews applications from any students who have met the school’s criteria for enrollment. If circumstances exist that would significantly prevent the student from being successful at Living Word, admission may be denied.
Use our handy checklist to track your admissions process.
Step 1: Apply Online
Complete the Living Word Lutheran High School - Online Application through FACTS Management.
In the application, the following items are required:​
An up-to-date transcript or record card from student's current school
A nonrefundable $200 application fee is due when the application is submitted.
No fee is required for Parental Choice students - contact John Winter, Director of Admissions, to have fee waived at jwinter@lwlhs.com. For families who are applying through Wisconsin Choice or Milwaukee Choice, please complete the online Choice application & the LWLHS application & enrollment forms.
Step 2: Complete the online Placement Test
Families will receive a link to the online placement test after the application is submitted. We have created our own placement test for students to take at home online. We ask that you try and complete the placement test within two (2) weeks of submitting your online application.
Step 3: Complete the Student Recommendation Form
Families are required to send the recommendation form to their student's school to be completed by an 8th grade teacher or principal/administrator. An online link and paper copy will be emailed to you after the application has been submitted.
Teachers will be instructed to submit the online form or email the form directly back to LWLHS.
Step 4: Notice of Admission Status
After we receive the student's placement tests and student recommendation form, a notice of their admissions status will be sent via email.
NOTE: You will be notified only after the application, placement test, and student recommendation form are completed.
Step 5: Complete the Online Enrollment Form
Complete the Online Enrollment packet through FACTS Management. Directions will be sent via email after acceptance. During this step, you will be able to select a tuition payment plan.
The annual tuition for a traditional student of the 2025-2026 school year is $9,700. This is before any tuition assistance. Living Word Lutheran DOES provide financial aid packages. Please contact Mr. Dave Miskimen, LWLHS Executive Director, especially in the event that financial difficulty may burden your decision to attend Living Word. Click here to view financial aid options.
In the Grant & Aid application in FACTS, you must submit tax documents from the prior year (ex: If enrolling for 2025-2026 school year, you will need to upload the 2023 Tax Documents.)
Step 6: Select Classes
We will contact you in Spring to sign up for Freshman Courses Selection.
October 1, 2024
Online application in FACTS is open.​
December 31, 2024
Apply before December 31, and the $200 application fee is applied towards tuition, plus you receive an additional $250 tuition credit.​
February 1, 2025
Wisconsin Parental Choice & Milwaukee Parental Choice applications open.
Financial Aid application opens. In the Grant & Aid application in FACTS, you must submit tax documents from the prior year (ex: If enrolling for 2024-2025 school year, you will need to upload the 2023 Tax Documents.) Documents include the 1040 Form, W2 Form, and current paystub.
March 15, 2025
Financial aid application closes. Contact John Winter at jwinter@lwlhs.com if you are unable to complete the Financial Aid application before March 15.
If you apply before March 15, 2023, the $200 application fee will be applied towards tuition. Every date after March 15, the application fee is in addition to tuition.
April 15, 2025
The Wisconsin Parental Choice application closes.
Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP)
The WPCP application will be open from February 1, 2025 until April 15, 2025 for the 2025-2026 school year.
Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP)
The MPCP application is opens on February 1, 2025. The application remains opens each month from the 1st thought the 20th of the month.
Parent Choice Application Process
Income Limits for WPCP & MPCP
Click here to view the income limits for the 2024-2025 choice program.
Step 1: Online Parent Choice Application
Each year parents must complete the online parent choice application at dpi.wi.gov/choice
Step 2: Supporting Documentation
Parents must provide the supporting documentation during the open application period, as directed in the online parent application and the confirmation email, or their application is ineligible.
Residency Documentation
All parents must provide residency documentation directly to the Living Word school office during the open application period. Click here for a list of acceptable proof of residency documents. Residency documents can be submitted to the school office or emailed to John Winter at jwinter@lwlhs.com.
Income Documentation
Parents of new students must show they are income eligible by either (1) providing their social security numbers or taxpayer identification numbers and having the Department of Revenue determine whether the student is income eligible OR (2) using the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) Income Determination method by answering a series of income questions in the online parent application. Parents must provide income documentation directly to the Living Word school office. Click here for a list of the 2022-2023 income limits for new students for WPCP & MPCP. Income documents can be submitted to the school office or emailed to John Winter at jwinter@lwlhs.com.
All transfer students must complete the Online Application through FACTS Management. If records are falsified or information is withheld, a student's acceptance will be impacted and the student may be asked to withdraw.
Transfer applications must include an unofficial transcript or copy of grades and attendance/behavior records.
Admissions Interview
Applicants are required to complete a personal interview with the Principal and Admissions representative. Parents are required to attend the interview.
In the interview, the mission and expectations of LWLHS will be discussed in relation to the student's previous records. Applicants may be denied upon an unsatisfactory interview.
Review of Records
All prospective transfer students will be reviewed by LWLHS administration. That review can include, but is not limited to, the academic, attendance, behavioral, discipline, and testing records of the transfer students from all previous high schools.
A credit review will also be conducted. A student must satisfactorily complete a minimum numbers of credits per semester in order to be accepted. LWLHS reserves the right to deny the transfer of certain credits if they do not correspond to the LWLHS curriculum.
Acceptance & Enrollment
After a thorough review of all records, students who are accepted into LWLHS will be notified by Director of Admissions via email to begin the enrollment process. Accepted students must complete online enrollment before they may begin classes at LWLHS.
No fee is required for Parental Choice students. Students wishing to participate in the WPCP or MPCP would be able to apply online during an open enrollment period.
Course Selection & Final Review
Course Selection for transfer students takes place after all grades have been recorded from the previous school. Students in the WPCP or MPCP will complete course selection after being awarded a seat.
A complete transcript with all grades will be brought to the course selection appointment. Students will meet with a staff member who will help them select courses for the upcoming year.
For transfer to schedule a shadow day, they must first complete a success admissions interviewing. Following the interview, we would be happy to host your student for a shadow day, which gives the prospective student a chance to see what a day at LWLHS is all about.
Contact John Winter, Director of Admissions, at jwinter@lwlhs.com or 262-677-9353. He would be happy to assist your family!