Academics Overview
Living Word Lutheran High School provides a fully accredited, comprehensive, college preparatory academic program. LWLHS offers a curriculum that prepares students for the demands of college, career, and beyond. Our 21st Century Classroom Initiative fosters student growth in creative problem-solving skills, productive collaboration, reading, writing, digital literacy, and critical thinking. Technology is integrated throughout the curriculum. With “Christ as our foundation,” it is understood that the Biblically Christian worldview will be part of each classroom and extra-curricular activity.
Helping Students Grow
Living Word is committed to meeting each student where they are and helping them grow intellectually and spiritually. Our curriculum takes an aggressive approach to meet every style and pace of learner with systems in place to track and maximize student achievement. We enter partnership with our parents built on communication and transparency - a partnership that welcomes parent input and feedback.
We have analyzed several curricula in every grade level and content area in order to identify the best options for our students. We believe that curriculum is a tool to be utilized by a highly effective teacher, but every student is different and must be approached as an individual. Teachers will have a variety of tools and guides to help them pursue those goals, while still respecting the individual teaching style of the teacher and the academic needs of the student.

College Prep Curriculum
Students can also get a jumpstart on a college education while at Living Word. We offer dual credit courses, AP Courses, and CAAP. Students can enter college with as many as 36 college credits!
ACT Test Score Data
The average composite score results, LWLHS college bound students:
LWLHS Composite: 25.0
State of Wisconsin: 20.7
National Average: 20.8
The average scores by subject area, LWLHS college bound students:
Math: LWLHS 22.7; WI Avg.: 20.5
Science: LWLHS 23.3; WI Avg.: 20.6
English: LWLHS 23.3; WI Avg.: 19.4
Reading: LWLHS 24.5; WI Avg: 20.4
Average Class Size
The average class size is 20 students. This size allows students to develop closer relationships with their teachers, which positively affects their academic experience.
Block Schedule
Our school day runs on a modified block schedule. Classes are either considered "block" or "period". Block classes meet three times per week and period classes meet four times per week. See an example schedule by clicking the link below.

Personal Device 1:1 Program
Living Word Lutheran High School requires every student to have his or her device (laptop/Chromebook) for school to use on a daily basis. While these will not be utilized every day in class, the frequent application of 21st Century learning experiences will require students to have regular access to this resource.
Honor Academy
The Honor Academy exists to challenge and develop students with interests in various disciplines like Music, Humanities, and Leadership Seminar. Each academy pushes students with advanced coursework, community engagement, and a capstone project.
Before the start of second semester, Living Word offers a three week Winterim term. Winterim offers courses that would not normally be offered during a typical semester. These course are hands-on and often lead to educational field trips and projects.
Student Resource Class
Resource enables and bolsters the success of LWLHS students with a learning difference as spelled out in their IEP or 504 plan. In this study-hall-style class, eligible students receive individualized attention and instruction specific to their unique needs. While in Resource, students can work on school assignments, study for tests, connect with teachers, and work on strategies to address school-related issues, such as organization, time management, communication, and study skills. And throughout the Resource class, the teacher is there for students, with regular check-ins to ensure follow through, troubleshooting, and overall support.

"Double A" Mondays
In place of the Student Help Days done each quarter in past years, we now have an early release at 1:55 PM every Monday, with a new period called “Double A” for academic assistance from 2:00-3:00 PM.
Every Monday, students with missing work or failing grades (and those who have been absent or need to catch up on course material for other reasons) will be required to meet with a specific teacher (or more than one teacher) during “Double A.” Students and parents will be notified if they are required to come in. All other students will have an early release, unless they choose to meet with an available teacher for extra help. Those who have practice after school or need to wait for a ride will go to the designated room for after-school study hall.
Once a month, teachers will have professional development during “Double A.” On these Mondays, only students with failing grades will be required to stay from 2:00-3:00pm (in a supervised room with a teacher for extra help), and everyone else will have an early release. There will still be a designated room for those who need to stay for other reasons, such as after school practices.